Coaching Programme

Designed to find clarity, build confidence, and to pave the way to success in your endeavour.

Achieve your highest goals.

Coaching is a practice focused on bringing your brain into the present moment to create a future that is in alignment with your potential. It’s about self-understanding, self-development, taking responsibility for the life you want and creating deep, sustainable mental, emotional and physical habits to achieve a specific goal.

The coaching programme designed by Global Converse aims to guide the coachee towards what it is they are looking for. The sessions are designed to find clarity, build confidence, and to pave the way to success in their endeavour.

It requires open-mindedness, discipline, creativity, honesty and action.

How is the programme structured?


 What is the goal, what is the resistance? Is now the time to achieve it? Exploring resistance, and how we can bring it down. In the case of not yet understanding exactly what it is you want, questions that will be explored are; What anchors me? What are my passions and how can I align them with my talents to create a future I can be proud of?



Creating a plan/strategy. What are small habits that can be changed? How can the action plan be incorporated into your life? 



What needs to be adjusted in terms of mindset, personality and character in order to achieve your goal? How do YOU need to change in order to get what you want?



Challenges faced in the process of change. Strategies to overcome the challenge and bring down resistance. What are your reasons for truly wanting this goal? Discussing values, what is truly driving you in the direction of your goal? Deep reflection time.



Discussing fears. Fears play a fundamental role in why we want to achieve a certain goal. Fears are a part of the resistance topic, it’s essential to pinpoint our fears, so we can manage them efficiently. This allows us to understand if there are avoidance patterns and how you can manage them.



 Discussing your weaknesses. How can these weaknesses also be your strengths? Exploring ‘Demon hand, Buddha heart’ concept. Understanding your communication style in different areas of your life and developing assertiveness where needed.



Who are you? What are your values? Who and what influenced you to become the person you are today? What role models do you look up to as a guide? This session is focused on building confidence in yourself to take yourself forward.



What are you? Profiling. Human design, mind and body profiling to keep physical, mental and emotional bodies in balance. And to recognise when imbalance is arising and what to do to counteract that imbalance. Building awareness of self on all levels. 



 Managing energy. What is your energy level? How can you improve your energy? Our emotions are energy, what emotional nutrition are you consuming and how can you refine your emotion diet? What emotions do you experience most in a week?



Wheel of life. All life goals coming together and working together. Overall review on the bigger picture. Defining priorities. Training emotional fitness, you cannot be perturbed by every challenge that life presents. Putting things into perspective.



Revisiting difficult questions or any challenges that came up during the sessions and the coaching journey.



Reinforcing the plan of action to be continued. Discussing possible obstacles that may arise, discussing potential solutions. Discussing creativity, and problem-solving tools.


Each coachee will receive an individualised Yoga practice taking into account their profile. This practice is based on their general mental, emotional and physical state. The practice includes pranayama exercises as well as physical asana. Each coachee is encouraged to use a basic Yoga practice to assist in the reflection and creativity elements of this programme.   

Why do people choose a Coaching Programme?

  • Wanting to take a step up in your career/life

  • Starting a new venture (business or otherwise) 

  • Physical, mental or emotional challenge to be overcome. 

  • Overcoming life’s challenges with a forward thinking vision

  • Refining what you already have

  • Career change 

  • Entering motherhood or coming out of maternity leave, regaining the physical, mental and emotional stability needed to enjoy the moment 

  • Learning more about neuro-language programming 

  • Understanding how your language creates your reality and how we need to pay attention to our thought patterns

  • Improving communication with yourself and others 

  • Understanding your weaknesses and strengths and how to leverage them 

  • Understanding what you truly value and what you don’t

Contact us for further information.

See you soon.

Contact us for further information. See you soon.